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learning • development • group dynamics 
an empathetic approach to the human experience

MERYL | Reality Navigator

illustration of stick person with dog
Curriculum Vitae

JOSEPH | Job Counselor

Stick figure drawing of Claire with graphic design students around a table.

CLAIRE | Graphic Designer

Curriculum Vitae

Hello, my name is Meryl and Welcome to Navigating Reality™!

Navigating Reality™ is a concept I developed to help us think about those situations when we must try and decide what is best to do, or not do, with incomplete information. Working across my experience in social science research, organizational development, teaching, training, consulting and writing - from an applied psychoanalytic approach - I focus on how to help people work with incomplete information, and to discover those sometimes-hidden gems essential for learning, growing, and recognizing new opportunities.

With an interest in developing ways for us to positively learn from our own insights and life experiences, I have been fortunate to collaborate with Joseph and Claire, both of whom represent many years of experience in their respective fields. Joseph is a skilled, innovative and dedicated person who helps people find the jobs and careers they want, or transition into jobs and careers they find more meaningful. Joseph was the inspiration behind The Job Discovery Toolbox Guide because he believed a better approach to finding jobs and deciding on careers should be offered, and wanted me to write this Discovery-Guide.

Claire, a former college teacher, is an incredibly talented and multi-faceted visual artist and illustrator, specializing in web and graphic design as a way of communicating important information to people. Her impeccable designs and artistic visualizations reflect Claire's creative style of incorporating innovation, sophistication, hope and fun, together within the same inventive message.

Both Claire and Joseph are thoughtful, conscientious and dedicated to serving the best interests of those they work with. Together, we share a set of values allowing us to focus on deciphering how to best help people constructively and positively move from there they are, to where they would like to be.

We support people navigating their reality with a growing sense of thoughtfulness, skillfulness, grace and hopeful self-confidence. We invite you to utilize our offerings and enhance your life’s journey, as we continue to develop and share new concepts and learning materials with you.

More information about the way I think and work can be found in my blog, For Contemplation and at: www.cconcerns. com.


NR logo figure in ta-da posture
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