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The Job Discovery Toolbox Guide Updates - June 2024

From the October 2023 publication to June 2024 Publication: Here is a list of updates PRIOR to the Updated Publication of June 2024 (listed on the copyright page).

In The Job Discovery Toolbox Guide, the changes below are noted by page number and highlighted in blue. You can download this list as a PDF to your computer, and print as a paper copy.

Page 13 - We added a note to remind readers that changes to the websites we are visiting do periodically occur:

An important note: The websites we will be visiting sometimes change the wording or website organization. If this has happened, look in these flow-chart boxes for the keywords in bolded purple, then look for the same words on the webpage (or do a search for the keyword at the website). Alternatively, updates can be found at Look for Learning Tools > Discovery-Guide Updates.

Page 14 – some of the descriptive wording changed to:

6. On the current Interest assessment webpage, look towards the middle of this webpage for Ready to take the Interest Assessment?. (If the wording has changed, move to the next box in this flow-chart.)

7. If you see the words Visit the Interest Assessment click on the words Interest Assessment in the first sentence. (If the wording has changed, look for the words Interest Assessment and click on this. Or, enter Interest Assessment in the search box located near the upper right corner of the webpage.)

5. More information about each interest area is listed under your scores by looking to the right for the plus (+) icons to click on. Write your notes in the table below.

Page 16 at the top right side of the page – the previous green arrows have been changed to + icons:

RIASEC Descriptions: In the space provided below, write a few of the relevant (or questionable) interest descriptions for each of your RIASEC codes. (Click on the + icon on the left side of the blue bar for each category title to see the corresponding descriptions).

Record the RIASEC areas you tested strongest in below, as listed at the top of the webpage:

Record Your RIASEC information of interest in the spaces provided below.


Page 16, in the top of the table:

6. First, to Email or Print, be sure all of the + icons for each RIASEC description are selected or this information will not be printed – the webpage will be printed exactly as shown.

Page 16, near the bottom of the page:

Page 17 – the instructions in box #9 changed slightly to match the website changes:

9. When you are on the webpage with the words We found __careers matching your interest assessment near the top of the webpage (under the printer icon), go to the next page in this Discovery-Guide and complete the Discovery Tools 3A, 3B and 3C to record information about your potential occupational career matches.

Page 23 – The informational instructions changed for box #1, box 5 and box 6b:

1. Go to If you are already at this website, continue to the next step. (Don’t see what you’re looking for on a webpage? Look in the flow-charts for the bolded purple terms and do a search or go to to download pages with updated instructions. If you’ve found changes before us, please let us know!)

5. On the Skills Assessment webpage is information to consider about different categories of skills and what employers look for. There is a detailed Skills Matcher assessment on this webpage too. However, we are going to a different website for a more flexible approach, and to expand your set of tools.

6b. If you want to click on Take the Skills Matcher in the middle of this webpage, you can do so (or move to 6a now). On the next webpage, click on START SKILLS MATCHER. When finished with the Skills Matcher, return here and resume your activity with 6a, to the left of this box.

Page 26 – Informational instructions change to:

16. Then, click on Search. On the next pages of this Discovery-Guide are tables to record information for TWO of your searches.

Important note: Remember these websites might be periodically updated. If the flow-chart instructions are different than what’s on the webpage, look for the bolded purple color terms in the flow-charts (below) and find those terms on the webpage to click on, or do a search for the term in the upper right corner search box. We try to keep a list of the updates at You can download pages with updated instructions or please let us know if you find changes before we do, by sending us an email with the page number through the contact form on our website. Thank you!

Page 33 - We added a reminder:

Page 51 – Instructional guidelines in box #4 slightly changed to match the website changes more closely:

4. If there is a list of occupations on the webpage after your Occupation Keyword Search, click on the Occupation you identified above. This will take you to a new webpage with information about this occupation.

Page 54 – A slight change in the wording of box #18:

18. If you are on a webpage with a list of occupations, click on the Occupation you selected (above this flow-chart box). This will take you to a new webpage with information about this occupation.

Page 73-75 – “Apprenticeship Opportunities” was added under Training & Credentials in the tables to synchronize with the webpage change.

5a. On the Certification Finder webpage, type in a Certification Name, Organization, Industry, Occupation or Occupational SOC code in the box provided from your list on pages 89-90 of this Discovery-Guide. When you are ready, click on Search and this will bring you to a list of certification places. The left side of the webpage may also have a list of Related Occupations, occupations In Demand and/ or a related Industry (or industries). Under the Search box is a List of Occupations and below this, a List of Industries. Click on the + icon to see a general list of occupations or industries.

Page 102 - Changes to box #5a:



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